Did you know that if you are using a CPAP Device, you are eligible to sign up for PG&E Medical Baseline Program. This program is an assistance program for residential PG&E customers who depend on power using medical equipment such as CPAP Device. This program will help you lower your rate on your monthly energy bill and extra notification in Advance Public Power Shutoff. To sign up visit : PG&E application or fill out the attached application and mail it PG&E.
Today, most insurances have high deductibles for durable medical equipment and as such most of the equipment purchase cost comes out of your pocket. If you have no insurance or your insurance has high deductible, we encourage you to visit PAPMaster.com. If you are not sure, call us at 1-866-999-3190 and we can help you. We carry therapy equipment from the most reputable companies such as Resmed, Philips Respironics, and Fisher Paykel.